How To Read Your Water Bill

- Contract Account Number. This is the unique service identification number of the customer.
- MRU Sequence. This is the meter reading group of the account.
- Account Name. This contains the name of the person whom the service connection is installed.
- Service Address. This contains the address of the person whom the service connection is installed.
- Rate Class. This is the rate code classification of the service connection based on its economic activity and as defined in the Concession Agreement between Laguna Water and the Provincial Government of Laguna.
- Business Zone. This is the service area covering the connection.
- Billing Summary. This contains the date when the meter was read and when the bill was delivered, period of water consumption that is being biled, and the total water consumption of the account for the billing period.
- Billing Details. This shows all charges of the biling period.
Price escalation - This is accounts for the changes in the market price of the following indicators: power cost,Consumer price index and US dollar exchange rate.
Environmental charge - This is for the various environmental services, including but not limited to the desludging service, surface water exploration, and ground water study, as stated in the company’s Concession Agrement. The environmental services will ensure compliance with existing laws and regulations.
Other Charges - These are special miscellaneous charges such as reconnection fees, tampering, mainline disconnection, and bill revisions.
Previous Unpaid Amount - This pertains to the balance prior to the billing period. This should be settled immediately together with the current charges to avoid disconnection of water service.
- Total Amount Due. This is the total amount that needs to be settled for the billing period.
- Due Date. This is the date when the water bill needs to be settled.
- Late Payment Fee. This is the charge for not settling the water bill within due date.
- Total Amount After Due Date. This is the total amount to be paid if water bill is not settled within due date.